Sunday 6 September 2015

Cycle one experience


I'm Emma, I'm 18 and I started thebodycoach 90 day SSS plan at the beginning of August. 

I haven't seen many people my age on the plan (understandably, since most people my age are fit and healthy!) but for anyone who is in a similar position to me, looking to join the plan, I thought I'd make a blog so you could see my experience of it!

I think the plan is a great idea for young people, even if you don't need to lose weight, because it teaches you about nutrition and gives you recipes so you can cook for yourself and it won't just be pasta! (I don't know about you, but before I started this plan I was rubbish in the kitchen!) 

As you've probably noticed, it's September - so, yes, I have already completed cycle one. I just got cycle two through in my inbox today! 
I'm not going to lie to you guys, cycle one is TOUGH. A proper shock to the system. I went from eating nutella toast almost every day to a low carb, high fat diet (i.e. lots of eggs!) 

Initially I was a proper eager beaver - doing all the planning and a massive Tesco shop, but living with my parents and my siblings meant meal planning was tough! It was a struggle because, for convenience I thought I'd just cook for everyone - but working out quantities and then who was actually going to be around for dinner all got very stressful. So if you're still living at home, I'd decide from the start whether you want to do this individually, or whether your family want to have the meals with you. 

I definitely struggled with the lack of sugar and was pretty grouchy come week 2. On the upside, I noticed I was a lot less bloated, and had lost 2kg by the end of the second week! However, at the end of the week 2 my planning had gone out the window and soon after, I stopped following the diet as strictly. This goes to show just how important planning and prepping is!! I know I could have restarted cycle one, but I just want to move on now; so I'm going to treat cycle two as a fresh start!! I also know that I can start all over again, after I've finished cycle three, and at least I'll know what to expect next time!! 

In terms of the exercise, I've loved it. My first HIIT session I couldn't even manage 15 minutes and nearly passed out! Now I can do a good 30 minutes on the spin bike. I have found that, having started exercising regularly, I am feeling better and sleeping better! Although I totally fell off the wagon in terms of diet by week three, I always stuck to the exercise - perhaps because I really enjoyed it. Also as I was on summer from school, I found having the routine really helped. 

A note on costs:
I thought that £150 was very reasonable for 3 months worth of exercise and meal plans. However additional costs do rack up!! For example the supplements (protein, vitamins etc) I didn't buy all the supplements because I couldn't afford them haha! (Although you do get a discount code from thebodycoach) Also, food is expensive! The first shop will probably break the bank a bit, but just remember that you're getting multiple portions (a lot of which you can freeze) so it'll last you a while, and your next shops won't be quite as drastic! Finally, a gym membership is definitely required for cycle two as there's a lot of weight training involved. So if you're a student and/or are tight on cash, just be aware that £150 isn't all you'll be spending. 

Okay I'd better stop rambling on!
If you made it to the end of this post, I'm amazed! Thank you!!
I'll have another post up soon! (Don't worry, it won't be this long!!)

Emma xxxx

PS do leave any comments/questions if you have them and I'll do my best to respond! 

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